There are many studies undertaken with results pointing to the many benefits you can reap from exposure to music. You can definitely improve yourself with music. The graces inherent in music are multi-level. Music is said to enhance the mind’s abilities in different ways. It also helps in the improvement of physical skills and dexterity. Moreover, it is able to uplift one on an emotional/spiritual plane. And because music is a fundamental built-in aspect in all cultures, everybody has easy access to all these intrinsic rewards.
Learning to play a musical instrument has even greater perks. It may be difficult, especially at the beginning, but when you set your mind to learning, you get the perquisites of gracefully and effectively playing that instrument, as well as countless enhancements to mind, body, and spirit to boot.
Research shows that you can improve yourself with music through the beneficial effects it has on how your mind performs. Children who constantly listen to or study music are said to do better in their scholastic performance than those who have very limited musical exposure. They are said to begin reading earlier, have higher IQs, and do better in specific fields like spatial-temporal skills and mathematics.
Playing a musical instrument enhances hand/eye coordination. You read the musical notes then try to translate them into precise finger/hand movements, incorporating the right tempo or rhythm. The regions of your brain commanding motor skills, listening, remembering audio data, and the like are constantly stimulated, becoming stronger in the process.
Learning to play a musical instrument definitely stimulates your brain. It enhances your memory. You learn to concentrate/focus better, as your mind stays actively engaged, your senses attentive, your memory kept sharp. The constant practice required of you as you learn how to play an instrument calls for keen attention. Moreover, it will do you good to listen to professional musicians and observe them as they play. If you listen attentively and with an analytical eye, your sharp observations will help you improve your craft as you begin to determine what makes for good music. You will find yourself listening keenly for key elements like beat, cadence, pitch, harmony, and excellence of sound. In the process, you will find yourself becoming more observant, analytical, and perceptive, with a keen eye for essentials.
You improve yourself with music by virtue of your exposure. You gain in your knowledge of history and culture, and in your appreciation of such. You get exposed to a broad scope of music – classics, folk, country, rock, and many more. Your taste gets defined by this learning, enhancing your artistry and creativity.
Seeking to learn an instrument is a serious endeavor. You have to be faithful in your practice – setting aside certain hours for dedicated study. It can be pretty challenging most of the time. Musical endeavors are one of my keys to happiness, it is such a great way to let yourself loose while improving your mind and body. If you want to be happier, healthier and full of energy then have a look at another guide I have written, How to Enjoy Life. You have to organize your time. You have to learn time-management so that you can fit in hours of practice. You have to be focused, centred on the task at hand, so that you grow in excellence. You have to persevere, to be persistent, dedicated to learning and practice before you can see any marked improvement in your skill. You improve yourself with music through the ensuing discipline, organizational/management skills you are able to develop. These proficiencies are certain to be of good use to you when applied to other areas in your life as well.
Playing an instrument also helps develop a heightened sense of responsibility. You have to learn how to care for your chosen instrument so that it is maintained at its peak condition and functions properly. Aside from the routine care for your instrument, you also have to be responsible enough to show up for lessons and practices. As you grow in your craft, you will eventually also have to keep track of time for rehearsing and performing for shows.
Your constancy in the practice of your craft is likely to bear fruit. The initial stages of learning can be difficult, often frustrating, but no one will contest the fact that once you have learned your first piece ever, you will feel a sense of achievement that you will remember for the rest of your life. When you set an objective in the form of mastering a certain piece of music, and accomplish it, the joy, satisfaction, and sense of pride in the achievement are enormous.
You improve yourself with music through this distinct sense of achievement. You will feel a glow in seeing that your efforts are paying off. As you continue learning more pieces, and start playing for others, you will conquer shyness and stage-fright and grow in self-confidence.
Stress is part and parcel of life. It comes with the daily grind of work. It comes with the nagging routine of housework. It comes with the pressures encountered in our jobs. One of the gentler and more comforting ways to relieve stress is through music. Listening to good music relieves us of anxiety. It helps us to unwind, to relax. Music has been found to be helpful by psychologists and other therapists in working with children with socio/emotional problems. It calms the spirit and soothes the nerves, more so if you are the one creating such music.
You can improve yourself with music. Learning to play an instrument allows for self-expression. You can play out a lot of feelings and emotions depending on the piece that you are playing. As you progress in skill, fluency, and ability with the instrument, you will become a true artist – fluent, expressive, and creative with your music.
In spite of the challenges posed by efforts to master your instrument, nobody can deny the fact that playing music can be extremely pleasurable. It brings utmost joy. It does not matter what kind of music you choose to play – classical, folk, country, or even your own composition. You can find yourself totally immersed in your music; sometimes you lose yourself to your music so much that playing takes on an almost meditative nature. Sharing your music with loved ones and friends, having them listen as you play, feeling their enjoyment and appreciation of your music also heightens your personal joy in your chosen craft. As you gain in accomplishment, you will also realize that your life has been truly enriched by your music.
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